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Find the details of all the courses in chemistry on the website of  UBO Chemistry department


  • Master Degree in Chemistry and Interface with the living :

Research and development projects in the academic or industrial fields are increasingly multi-disciplinary and require adequate training. The “Chemistry and interfaces with the living” master’s degree has been designed in this spirit by offering a high-level training in chemistry with an openness to living. This opening, which is concretized by certain modules of biology for chemists, is also materialized by the strong link existing between this formation and the joint laboratory University-CNRS (UMR CNRS 6521) in which many researchers and teacher-researchers develop research of international level based on the design of bio-inspired molecules (metallo-enzyme models for applications in catalysis or energy production, nanomaterials, …), or the development of molecules for applications in biology-health (imaging, anticancer , bactericidal, …).



♦ Doctoral school education

The Laboratory is associated with the Doctoral School SICMA (Health, Information, Communications, Mathematics, Matter), ED 373, multi-site (UBO-UBS) grouping 27 research laboratories of which 6 are associated with large organizations (CNRS and INSERM ). These laboratories represent more than 550 researchers and 400 PhD students in three institutions. The subject group 4Sciences de la Matière4 brings together chemistry, physics and materials science laboratories.