Home / Team CIEl


Manager : Smaïl TRIKI, Pr


The team “Chemistry and Electrochemistry: Bioinorganic and Molecular Materials (CIEl)” of UMR CNRS 6521 is composed of 17 people including 11 permanents with multidisciplinary expertise from chemistry (organic, inorganic, coordination and molecular chemistry) to physical chemistry (electrochemistry, spectroscopy, magnetism, and optics). The scientific activities of the team mainly concern catalysis by biomimetic activation and switchable and / or luminescent materials.  They are developed along the two following thematic axes:

  • Metal-Sulfur’s System (Team leader : Philippe SCHOLLHAMMER, Pr);
  • Switchable and Photoluminescent Materials (Team leader: Smaïl TRIKI, Pr)


Support Staff
Temporaries position Staff
  • Sandeep KUMAR